The Large Molecular Database at the Indian Biological Data Center is a state-of-the-art resource for researchers investigating structural and functional properties of biomolecules. The database provides detailed information on macromolecules and facilitates advances in molecular biology, drug design, and biotechnology.
Macromolecule databases are specialized repositories that store structural and functional information about biological macromolecules. This includes proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and complexes that provide insights into the 3D architecture, interactions, and dynamics of these biological molecules.
Understanding the structure is essential for elucidating biological mechanisms and designing effective treatments. This database supports a wide variety of applications. Including enzyme engineering vaccine development and the study of this data evolution Researchers rely on large-scale molecular data for computational modeling. Connection studies and bio-molecular simulation
These Datasets are very useful resource that contains our detailed information for macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic avids, and larger biomolecular complexes. It allows researchers to integrate structural and functional data, study molecular interactions, explore temporal changes in these molecules. The database is pivotal for drug discovery, structural biology and genomics, with tools for visualization and analysis. It aids scientists in furthering their biological systems research and understanding its underlying fundamentals by supplying high-quality curated data and models; data and models that provide the context to allow the zeroth and first principles of biology to be explored.