Project uploaded by: | RARS MTU ,principal_investigator , Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS |
Created: | 29-01-2024 |
Project ID: | PPJ_100065 |
Project Title: | Mainstreaming rice landraces diversity in varietal development through genome wide association studies: A model for large-scale utilization of gene bank collections of rice |
Project Description: | Phenotyping of rice landraces for biotic stresses BPH, BLB and BLAST |
Grant Number: | 239 |
Funding Agency: | DBT |
Associated Publications (Title/DOI/PMID): | NA |
Release Date: | June 14, 2021 |
Project Type: | Consortium |
Study uploaded by: | RARS |
Created: | 17-02-2024 |
Study ID: | PST_100043 |
Crop ID: | Oryza Sativa |
Meta-Trait: | panicle blast disease resistance |
Study Title: | Screening of rice varieties for resistance to panicle blast (Causal agent: Magnaporof grisea) |
Description: | Screening of rice genotypes against panicle blast |
Start Date : | Jan. 7, 2021 |
End Date: | May 28, 2021 |
Data Type: | Phenotypic |
Location : | RARS, Maruteru |
Description of experimental design : | single observational plot |
Growth Facility : | field |
Tolerent Check : | MTU 1121, MTU 1156 |
Susceptible Check: | MTU 7029 |
Temperature Lower Limit (°C): | 23.500 |
Temperature Upper Limit (°C): | 30.000 |
Light Intensity Lower Limit (lux): | 0.000 |
Light Intensity Upper Limit (lux): | 0.000 |
Relative Humidity Lower Limit (%): | 69.000 |
Relative Humidity Upper Limit (%): | 87.500 |
Other Conditions: |
Sr.No | Treatment Type | Treatment Developmental Stage | Treatment Name | Treatment Value | Treatment Duration | Treatment Description |
1 | biotic | maximum tillering stage|MCGS100305 | Pyricularia oryzae | Spraying of blast spore suspension | 4 months | artificial inoculation of treatment for all genotypes |
Sr.No | Trait Name | Observation Developmental Stage | Observed Plant Tissue | Method Name |
1 | panicle blast disease resistance|TO_0000477 | booting stage|PO:0007014 | whole plant|PO:0000003 | panicle blast damage estimation|panicle blast damage scale|Ordinal |
Sr.No | First name | Last name | Organization | Designation | |
1 | Lalitha | Dulla | | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS | research_scholar |
2 | Anand Kumar | ADVSLP | | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS | co_principal_investigator |
3 | Ramana Rao | Puram | | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS | co_principal_investigator |
4 | Nanda Kishore | M | | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS | co_principal_investigator |
5 | Satish | Yadlapalli | | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS | co_principal_investigator |
6 | Bhuvanewari | V | | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS | co_principal_investigator |
7 | Ravi Kumar | BNVSR | | Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, RARS | principal_investigator |
Sr.No. | Data File Accession | No. of Genotype Samples | Size of File | Download |
1 | PDT_100043 | 490 | 88.1 KB | Download |