Project uploaded by: | Pinky Agarwal ,scientist , National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), Delhi |
Created: | 06-06-2023 |
Project ID: | PPJ_100007 |
Project Title: | Analysis of diversity in yield components (seed size and weight) at transcriptome and epigenome levels for association/genetic mapping of selected loci in rice and chickpea Component 1: Sub project II: Transcriptome and small RNA diversity analysis of developing seed in contrasting rice varieties |
Project Description: | Morphological, cytological, transcriptome and miRNome analyses of five seed development stages, from two rice genotypes contrasting for grain size, SN and LGR |
Grant Number: | BT/AB/NIPGR/SEED BIOLOGY/2012, SB/WEA-02/2014, CRG/2018/000501 and SPG/2021/002899 |
Funding Agency: | DBT, SERB |
Associated Publications (Title/DOI/PMID): | Cytological, transcriptome and miRNome temporal landscapes decode enhancement of rice grain size |
Release Date: | April 19, 2023 |
Project Type: | Individual |
Study uploaded by: | Pinky |
Created: | 06-06-2023 |
Study ID: | PST_100008 |
Crop ID: | Oryza sativa |
Meta-Trait: | grain size |
Study Title: | Grain development phenotypes from rice genotypes, SN and LGR (1000 grain weight, grain filling rate) |
Description: | |
Start Date : | Aug. 1, 2013 |
End Date: | Sept. 1, 2013 |
Data Type: | Phenotypic |
Location : | New Delhi |
Description of experimental design : | Long-grained and short-grained indica rice, LGR [66], and Sonasal (SN), respectively, were grown in the kharif season in the field conditions at NIPGR, New Delhi, India. Freshly harvested seeds of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 13, 18, 21, and 29 DAP were collected in 30% ethanol. Images of husked and dehusked seeds of SN and LGR were captured at × 4 magnification under a stereozoom microscope (AZ100, Nikon; Japan). Grain length and width were quantified per seed by taking average of 100 seeds using WinSEEDLE™ software (Regent Instruments Inc.; Canada). One thousand-grain weight was measured in biological triplicates. Grain filling rate was estimated by measuring fresh weight of 15 seeds in triplicates from each DAP after removing stalks and awns. The measurements from each DAP constituting a stage were added to obtain the weight of 15 seeds/stage. |
Growth Facility : | Field |
Tolerent Check : | |
Susceptible Check: |
Temperature Lower Limit (°C): | 32.000 |
Temperature Upper Limit (°C): | 36.000 |
Light Intensity Lower Limit (lux): | 1500.000 |
Light Intensity Upper Limit (lux): | 2000.000 |
Relative Humidity Lower Limit (%): | 40.000 |
Relative Humidity Upper Limit (%): | 67.000 |
Other Conditions: |
Sr.No | Treatment Type | Treatment Developmental Stage | Treatment Name | Treatment Value | Treatment Duration | Treatment Description |
Sr.No | Trait Name | Observation Developmental Stage | Observed Plant Tissue | Method Name |
1 | 1000-grain weight|TO_0000382 | dry seed stage|PO:0001040 | seed|PO:0009010 | 1000 grain (14%MC)weight measurement|1000 grain weight scale|Ordinal |
2 | Grain filling rate|Rice|CO_320:0001155 | S1 rice seed development|MCGS100297 | seed|PO:0009010 | Grain filling rate|| |
3 | Grain filling rate|Rice|CO_320:0001155 | S2 rice seed development|MCGS100298 | seed|PO:0009010 | Grain filling rate|| |
4 | Grain filling rate|Rice|CO_320:0001155 | S3 rice seed development|MCGS100299 | seed|PO:0009010 | Grain filling rate|| |
5 | Grain filling rate|Rice|CO_320:0001155 | S4 rice seed development|MCGS100300 | seed|PO:0009010 | Grain filling rate|| |
6 | Grain filling rate|Rice|CO_320:0001155 | S5 rice seed development|MCGS100301 | seed|PO:0009010 | Grain filling rate|| |
Sr.No | First name | Last name | Organization | Designation | |
1 | Antima | Yadav | | National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), Delhi | research_scholar |
2 | Aswathi | PV | | National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), Delhi | research_scholar |
3 | Arunima | Mahto | | National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), Delhi | research_scholar |
Sr.No. | Data File Accession | No. of Genotype Samples | Size of File | Download |
1 | PDT_100008 | 36 | 1.5 KB | Download |